More than €2.8m allocated to Limerick third level institutions under the new Higher Education Innovation and Transformation Fund – O’Donnell

Press Statement 8th February 2019 11.30am

More than €2.8m allocated to Limerick third level institutions under the new Higher Education Innovation and Transformation Fund – O’Donnell

UL, MIC and LIT are set to benefit from €2,838,978 funding for Higher Education and Innovation, according to Limerick Senator Kieran O’Donnell.

Senator O’Donnell said: “I welcome the announcement by Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. and Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor T.D of €2,838,978 funding for UL, MIC and LIT under the new Higher Education and Innovation fund.

Senator O’Donnell said the funding provided through the Higher Education and Innovation fund will allow UL, MIC and LIT to future proof their learning outcomes through the development of innovative learning outcomes”.

“Society is changing, the way we work and learn is also evolving as technological advances are made. This investment in the future of education allows us to keep pace with best practice.”

“As part of this round of fundinf €1,426,008 has been allocated to a collaboration between UL and Limerick City and County Council to develop a new framework for civic engagement. Collaborations like this further illustrate the importance of our 3rd level institutions in the fabric of Limerick and contribute to Limerick’s growth as a University city”.

“We have fantastic educational institutions in Limerick, which are amongst the most innovative and forward thinking in the country. This additional funding will allow them to invest in their own vision and to help them to continue to provide positive educational outcomes for their students”, Senator O’Donnell added.

The funding received by the Limerick 3rd level institutions is part of a total announcement of €23m to 22 projects by the Higher Education and Innovation fund. The fund was launched in 2018 as part of the modernisation and reform of the funding model for higher education.



2019-03-15T15:54:27+00:00 February 8th, 2019|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |