Press Statement
From: Kieran O’Donnell TD 086-8430202
O’Donnell Asks Government for National COVID-19 Relief Programme for Local Authority Rates
Limerick TD, Kieran O’Donnell has asked Government to provide a national relief funded programme for local authority rates to affected businesses for the duration of COVID-19 emergency.
“I have been in contact and held discussions with Government and relevant Ministers on the need for a COVID-19 national local authority rates relief funded programme. I have asked that the reliefs that should be considered, include a rates moratorium or more practically that no rates should be charged on businesses affected by the COVID-19 for the duration of the emergency period. One way this could be funded is through the Local Government Fund. Furthermore, I have discussed the matter with the Local Authority management.
“Here we have seen many businesses being severely affected by this virus, with significant numbers having to close and large number of staff temporarily losing their jobs. We must ensure that these businesses are given the supports and reliefs to ensure they can come through these unprecedented times and can re-establish as quickly as possible after the COVID-19 emergency period and have staff back working as normal. A national local authority rates relief programme is one measure that would take financial pressure of businesses.
“This is also an extremely distressing time for the employees who have lost their jobs as well as the many whose jobs are under threat because of this virus.
“This is a War-Time like situation and the measures taken have to reflect this reality. We will come through this and it is very important, that the necessary supports are in place to come through the emergency period and thereafter that people can get back to work as fast as possible.
“Government have looked to act swiftly to address the immediate fall-out of COVID-19, with emergency jobseekers payments for employees and the self-employed. Revenue Commissioner measures are now in place and discussions are on-going with all the banks to assist both employees and employers affected by COVIS-19.