M20 Limerick to Cork Motorway Public Consultation closes this Friday 15th January – O’Donnell

Press Statement

From: Kieran O’Donnell TD

Wednesday 13th January 2021

M20 Limerick to Cork Motorway Public Consultation closes this Friday 15th January – O’Donnell

  • Encourages public to make submissions this week
  • Deputy O’Donnell highly critical of seriously incomplete & deficient public process with routes being published prior to any proper modelling on travel times, safety and costs on options
  • Deputy Calls for further public consultation after proper modelling has been carried out


Limerick Fine Gael TD Kieran O’Donnell and Chair of the Oireachtas Transport and Communications Networks Committee is reminding people in Limerick and the region that the M20 Limerick to Cork Motorway current public consultation phase ends this coming Friday 15th January and is encouraging the public to make their submissions this week.

Furthermore, Deputy O’Donnell is highly critical of this seriously incomplete and deficient public process with routes being published prior to any proper modelling on travel times, safety and costs on options.

The Deputy is calling on the TII and M20 project design office to go back to the drawing board and engage in a meaningful further public consultation after proper modelling has been carried out on route options.

Deputy O’Donnell said: “The M20 Limerick to Cork Motorway latest public consultation phase ends this coming Friday 15th January and I am strongly encouraging the public to make their submissions this week. Submissions can be made on this M20 Routes consultation document on www.corklimerick.ie  using the online feedback form, or by email to info@corklimerick.ie, or by post addressed to N/M20 Project Office, Lissanalta House, Dooradoyle, Limerick V94 H5RR.

“Having studied the proposed routes in depth, I was shocked to find that the route options were put out to public consultation prior to any proper modelling on travel times, safety and costs being completed, causing serious confusion.

“I am now calling on the TII and M20 project design office to immediately go back to the drawing board and engage in a meaningful further public consultation after proper modelling has been carried out on route options.

“Many of the 8 road and 3 rail route options published (see note to editors) make no sense whatsoever when measured on cost, travel and safety modelling criteria grounds. This makes the current phase of public consultation seriously incomplete and deficient and must be revisited by TII and the M20 project design office.

“Take for example where Irish Rail already propose improved travel times from Cork to Limerick, by installing a second rail track from Limerick Junction to Limerick City on existing land they own which will therefore not involve any private landowners. Furthermore, this rail upgrade would be complementary to road provision. The M20 project design office have confirmed to me the road and rail options are not mutually exclusive.

“Yet, two other much more costly rail routes (Bruree to Killonan Junction and Charleville to Patrickswell) are also included which instead are going through private property and homes. Apart from the major concerns caused here for residents on these routes, neither of these routes I believe would stand up to modelling against the upgrade of the existing Limerick Junction to Limerick rail route.

“Initially, the M20 Project Office had planned a one-month consultation period to 18th December, but, following my direct engagement with officials the decision was reached to extend the public consultation to 15th January to ensure the public could engage properly.

“On Thursday 10th December I held an online public Zoom meeting on the M20 routes with over 200 people in attendance, highlighting interest in this project, but, also the serious concerns of landowners, farmers, households and towns located along the proposed routes.

“Whilst the M20 is important with great benefits to the region, equally I am fully aware that many farmers, landowners, households and towns are greatly impacted by the proposed draft road & rail routes. Their genuine concerns must be addressed in any consultation process to arrive at the correct choices.

“I have campaigned strongly over the years for the M20 because I believe connecting Ireland’s 2nd and 3rd largest cities by motorway will bring vital synergies for both Limerick and Cork and indeed Ireland. However, a deficient and incomplete process should not be rushed – we must get this right.


Note to Editors:

Complete Phase 2 Appraisal process can be viewed at https://corklimerick.ie/

Part 1; Road-Based Options & Part 2; Rail Based Options:

2021-01-13T15:52:09+00:00 January 13th, 2021|Categories: News|