O’Donnell reveals key findings of Leaving Certificate 2021 survey in Limerick & Newport

Press Statement

From: Kieran O’Donnell TD 

Thursday 18th February 2021

O’Donnell reveals key findings of Leaving Certificate 2021 survey in Limerick & Newport

  • 2/3rd of 6th year students favour calculated grades along with the choice to also sit the written leaving written exam in June

2/3rd of 6th year students in Limerick and Newport favour calculated grades along with the choice to also sit the leaving certificate written examination in June, Limerick City constituency TD Kieran O’Donnell has revealed as one of the main findings of his survey for Leaving Certificate students in Limerick and Newport.

This is reflective of the approach now being adopted by Government, whereby Leaving cert students will have the option of an accredited grade(similar to calculated grade) or a written exam in each subject or both, whereby they will be awarded the higher grade result achieved.

This up-to-date on-line survey(See Note to Editor Below) was carried out by Deputy O’Donnell over the last three days, 15th, 16th and 17th February.  With over 230 respondents; 41% were 6th Class students, 40% were parents, with 15% Teachers and 4% 5th year students down.

Deputy O’Donnell said: “I wish to thank the students, parents and teachers who contributed to this on-line survey.

“We find that this survey indicates the strongest preference amongst Leaving Certificate students and parents, with 2/3rd(64%) of students and 44% of parents in favour of the approach using calculated grades along with the choice to also sit the written Leaving cert exam in June.  This is reflective of the approach yesterday announced by Government, whereby Leaving cert students will have the option of an accredited grade(similar to calculated grade) or a written exam in each subject or both, whereby they will be awarded the higher grade result achieved.

“However, Teachers indicated in the survey that 44% of them favour sitting the written leaving cert in June only, with a lower 26% favouring calculated grades along with the choice to also sit the written leaving certificate exam in June.

“The survey’s findings highlight concerns around orals and practical as well as students being ready for the written leaving cert in June. 50% of student’s indicated that the orals and practical should be cancelled.  In contrast, we find 64% of Teachers and 58% of parents surveyed strongly in favour of the orals and practical going ahead.

“Furthermore, the survey found that 76% of students have worries around being able to prepare for the written leaving cert exams in June, if schools return in March. 70% of their parents have similar worries, whereas in contrast 53% of teachers believe that students will be able to prepare for written leaving cert exams in June.

“These concerns highlight the clear need for whatever additional resources are necessary to be provided to students and schools to ensure the can take on the increased challenge of the leaving cert in these difficult Covid19 times.

“I very much welcome the Minister for Education’s announcement yesterday which brings much needed certainty for students, parents and teachers on the leaving certificate, providing in general terms the choices students are looking for as seen in this survey for Limerick and Newport.

“I will be feeding these leaving cert 2021 survey findings into the Department of Education as part of the leaving cert on-going process.

The survey highlights a number of key findings;

6th Class Students;

  • The highest preference by far, with 64% of 6th year students favouring calculated grades along with the choice to also sit the written leaving certificate exam in June
  • 16% of 6th year students favour Calculated grades alone in June with 9% favouring sitting the written Leaving cert exam alone in June
  • 63% of students favour cancelling the orals and practical.
  • 76% of students have worries around being able to prepare for written leaving cert exams in June, if schools return in March,


  • The highest preference was 44% favouring calculated grades along with the option to sit the written leaving certificate exam in June
  • 17% in favour of calculated grades alone in June and also 17% in favouring sitting the written leaving cert exam alone in June
  • 64% of parents favour the orals and practical proceeding, with 36% favouring cancelling them.
  • 70% of parents have worries around their son or daughter being able to prepare for written leaving cert exams in June, if schools return in March,


  • The highest preference was 44% favouring sitting the written leaving cert exam alone in June
  • 26% favoured calculated grades along with the choice to also sit the written leaving certificate exam in June
  • 17% in favour of calculated grades alone in June
  • 58% of teachers favour the orals and practical proceeding, with 42% favouring cancelling them.
  • 53% of teachers believe that students will be able to prepare for written leaving cert exams in June, if schools return in March


Note to Editor:
Leaving Certificate 2021 On-line Survey Results carried out by Kieran O’Donnell TD for Limerick and Newport
carried over last 3 days 15th to 17th Feb
6th Yr Students   Parents  Teachers      5th Yr      TOTAL
Respondents – Numbers and % 41% 41% 15% 3% 100%
96 95 34 9 233
Q. Rank in order of preference how you would like the leaving Cert examinations in June 2021 to proceed:
6th Yr Students   Parents  Teachers      5th Yr      TOTAL
Sit-down written exams should proceed in June only 9% 17% 44% 44% 19%
Calculated Grades in June only 16% 17% 21% 11% 16%
Choice between Calculated Grades or Sit-down written exams in June 34% 19% 12% 11% 25%
Option for Sit-down written exams and Calculated Grades in June, with the higher grade in each subject awarded 30% 25% 14% 21% 25%
Defer Sit-down written exams until July/August only 2% 2% 3% 0% 2%
Choice between Calculated Grades or Sit-down written exams in July/August or later 2% 2% 0% 0% 2%
Calculated Grades with option for Sit-down written exams in July/August or later in the year, with the higher grade in each subject awarded 7% 18% 6% 11% 11%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Q. What is your view on the Oral and Practical Exams scheduled for March/April-
Please rank below in order of your preference:
Taken Online 5% 29% 39% 0% 18%
Rescheduled for a later date in person, if needed 17% 15% 11% 25% 16%
Scaled-back 15% 21% 11% 0% 16%
Cancelled 63% 35% 39% 75% 50%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Q. If schools return in March, are you confident you could prepare for sit down exams, should they take place in June:
Yes 14% 19% 53% 33% 22%
No 76% 70% 32% 67% 67%
Not Sure 11% 11% 15% 0% 11%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
2021-02-18T10:47:29+00:00 February 18th, 2021|Categories: News|